Instagram @serenetang

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Tell me about it.

Friends are for you to love?
for you to take advantage of?

Some, cannot strike a balance between boyfriend and friend.
i wondered why?

they just come and go. like wind.

when everything's good, no rings from you.
when quarrel with your bf, here the ringing comes.
when there is meeting/gatherings, MIA.
when broke up, ringed and ask/beg people out.
when we wanted go have fun at club, ' cannot, my bf dont like'
when broke up ' eh, don't go sing k lah, let's go club'

you say you don't have friends.
you know where they went?

let me tell you.

the dustbin in your heart.

and let me tell you.

your garbage friends are not willing to give you their heart anymore.

simply because, we are nothing.
that is what i learnt from you smile.

I'll just be your normal friend.

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